R Strauss - Don Juan, Metamorphosen, Songs | Avie AV2172

R Strauss - Don Juan, Metamorphosen, Songs


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Label: Avie

Cat No: AV2172

Format: CD

Number of Discs: 1

Release Date: 16th May 2011



Joan Rodgers (soprano)
Jan Latham-Koenig (piano)
Strasbourg Philharmonic Orchestra


Jan Latham-Koenig


Strauss, Richard

Begegnung, Av72
Die erwachte Rose, Av66
Don Juan, op.20
Lieder (4), op.27
» no.4 Morgen
Lieder (8), op.10 TrV141 (Gedichte aus 'Letzte Blatter')
» no.4 Die Georgine
» no.6 Die Verschwiegenen
» no.7 Die Zeitlose
» no.8 Allerseelen
Rote Rosen (Red Roses), AV76


Joan Rodgers (soprano)
Jan Latham-Koenig (piano)
Strasbourg Philharmonic Orchestra


Jan Latham-Koenig


Jan Latham-Koenig brings out all the richness of Richard Strauss' orchestral scoring and vocal writing in an album of tone poems and lieder.

Jan Latham-Koenig was one of Avie’s flagship artists. These recordings of Strauss’ Don Juan and Metamorphosen were Latham-Koenig’s valedictory recordings in Strasbourg, and illuminate his brilliant ability to shape phrases and extract orchestral colour – ideal for Strauss’ vividly pictorial tone poems.

An equally accomplished pianist, Latham-Koenig completes the album by accompanying one of England’s leading vocal lights, soprano Joan Rodgers, in a selection of Strauss’ early Lieder.

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