Sweelinck -  The Secular Vocal Works | Glossa GCD922401

Sweelinck - The Secular Vocal Works

Label: Glossa

Cat No: GCD922401

Format: CD

Number of Discs: 3

Genre: Vocal/Choral

Release Date: 25th May 2009



Gesualdo Consort Amsterdam


Harry van der Kamp


Gesualdo Consort Amsterdam


Harry van der Kamp


Harry van der Kamp and an expert group of singers and instrumentalists from the Gesualdo Consort Amsterdam have achieved what few specialist ensembles before them have even attempted: a complete survey of the vocal music of Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck, the ‘Orpheus of Amsterdam’.

Sweelinck's reputation has undergone a curious reversal in modern times. Today he has become best appreciated for his teaching and his keyboard works - and for having laid the foundations of the North German organ school which remained influential until the time of J S Bach. Yet, in the 17th century (he died in 1621) he was better known for his vocal output: French chansons, Italian madrigals as well as polyphonic settings of all 150 Psalms.

Van der Kamp, a noted teacher and a celebrated soloist himself, directs here the beginning of what plans to be a fitting monument to this Dutch master. This first release on Glossa covers the entirety of Sweelinck's secular vocal works, one of the glories of the young Dutch Republic and which occupied much of his compositional activity in the two decades around the turn of the 17th century.

CD 1 - Chansons (63:40)
1. Susanne un jour
2. Tu as tout seul
3. Plus tu cognois
4. Regret, soucy et peine
5. Regret, soucy et peine
6. Jeune beauté
7. Vostre amour
8. Bouche de Coral
9. Bouche de Coral
10. Pourquoy tournez vous
11. La belle que je sers
12. L’Aubespin
13. Quand je voy ma Maitresse
14. Je sens l’ardeur
15. Face donques qui voudra
16. Au mois de May
17. Je ne fay rien
18. Je sens en moy
19. Tes beaux yeux
20. Sus, je vous prie
21. Elle est à vous
22. Depuis le jour
23. Si j’ayme ou non

CD 2 - Italian Rimes & Madrigals (68:01)
1. Chi vuol veder
2. Garrula rondinella
3. Morir non può il mio core
4. Morir non può il mio core
5. Liquide perle Amor
6. Liquide perle Amor
7. Amor, io sento un respirar
8. Amor, io sento un respirar
9. Dolcissimo ben mio
10. Dolcissimo ben mio
11. Per te rosa gentile
12. Qual vive Salamandra
13. Qual vive Salamandra
14. Poi che voi non volete
15. Vaga gioia amorosa
16. Che giova posseder
17. Lascia filli mia cara
18. Hor che soave l’aura
19. Ma donna con quest’occhi
20. Dolci labri amorosi
21. Facciam, cara mie file
22. Io mi son giovinetta
23. Io mi son giovinetta
24. Ricco amante son io
25. Un sol bacio ti dono
26. Sponse Musarum genus

CD 3 - French Rimes, Canons & Lute Works (70:59)
1. Sine Cerere et Baccho
2. Un jour l’aveugle Amour
3. Marchans qui traversez
4. Mon Dieu, que j’ayme
5. Courante
6. Yeux, qui guidez mon ame
7. Rozette
8. Marchans qui traversez
9. Voicy du gay Printemps
10. Las ! que me sert
11. Volte
12. Lors que le trait
13. Je voy mille clairtez
14. Volte
15. Beaux yeux
16. Je pars
17. Voicy du gay Printemps
18. Mon Dieu, que j’ayme
19. Volte
20. Jamais n’avoir
21. Sine Cerere et Baccho

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