Simon Rattle conducts Debussy & Ravel | EMI 5145652

Simon Rattle conducts Debussy & Ravel

Label: EMI

Cat No: 5145652

Format: CD

Number of Discs: 5

Release Date: 17th March 2008



City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra
Berliner Philharmoniker
London Symphony Orchestra


Simon Rattle


City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra
Berliner Philharmoniker
London Symphony Orchestra


Simon Rattle


Simon Rattle is no more at home than when conducting masterpieces from the 20th-century repertoire and in this set of 5 CDs he can be heard performing works by two great French masters. From Debussy's revolutionary Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune to Ravel's Piano Concerto in G, Rattle takes us on a journey through the world of French impressionist orchestral music.

All the most notable larger works are here: Debussy's Trois images, La mer, La boîte à joujoux; Ravel's Daphnis et Chloé, Ma mère l'oye, Boléro and the two Piano Concertos. Rattle has made two recordings of Ravel's Piano Concerto for the left hand and both are included in this set. This work is a masterpiece of invention that was written for the amazingly talented Austrian pianist Paul Wittgenstein, who lost his right arm in the First World War.

CD 1
Debussy: Musique pour Le Roi Lear (orch. Roger-Ducasse)
Debussy: Jeux
Debussy: Trois Images pour orchestre

City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, Simon Rattle

Debussy: (orch. Grainger): Estampes - Pagodes

City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, Simon Rattle

Total approximate duration 67.22

CD 2
Debussy: Prélude à l'après-mide d'un faune
Debussy: La Mer
Debussy (orch. Caplet): La boîte a joujoux
Debussy (orch. C. Matthews): Three Préludes

Berliner Philharmoniker, Simon Rattle

Total approximate duration 78.46

CD 3
Ravel: Fanfare pour L'Eventail de Jeanne
Ravel: Shéhérazade
- I Asie
- II La Flûte enchantée
- III L'Indifférent
with Maria Ewing

Ravel: Alborada del gracioso
Ravel (orch. Grainger): Miroirs - La vallée des cloches
Ravel: Ma mère l'oye - Le jardin féerique
- Prélude
- Danse du Rouet et Scène
- Pavane de la Belle au bois dormant
- (Interlude) – Les entrietiens de la Belle et de la Bête
- (Interlude) – Petit Poucet
- (Interlude – Laideronnette, Impératrice des Pagodes
- (Interlude) – Le Jardin féerique

Ravel : La valse

City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, Simon Rattle

Total approximate duration 74.35

CD 4
Ravel: Daphnis et Chloë - ballet
Ravel: Boléro

City of Birmingham Symphony Chorus & Orchestra, (Chorus director: Simon Halsey), Simon Rattle

Total approximate duration 73.43

CD 5
Ravel: Piano Concerto in D for the Left Hand
Andrei Gavrilov, London Symphony Orchestra, Simon Rattle

Ravel: Piano Concerto in D for the Left Hand
Ravel: Piano Concerto in G
Cécile Ousset, City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, Simon Rattle

Ravel: Ma mère l'oye - Le jardin féerique

Berliner Philharmoniker, Simon Rattle

Total approximate duration 64.51

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