Chopin - Complete Preludes / Schumann - Papillons | Pentatone PTC5186165

Chopin - Complete Preludes / Schumann - Papillons


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Label: Pentatone

Cat No: PTC5186165

Format: Hybrid SACD

Number of Discs: 1

Genre: Instrumental

Release Date: 12th March 2007



The Chilean born pianist Claudio Arrau, is renowned as one of the supreme keyboard masters of the 20th century. This patrician artist, whose matinee-idol appearance was as elegant as his playing, achieved a major reputation for his performances of Beethoven, but he was no less celebrated for his interpretations of Mozart, Chopin, Liszt, Schumann, Brahms and Debussy. 
Arrau's performances were marked by a balance between heart and intellect. As the late music critic, Sir Neville Cardus, explained; "Arrau is the complete pianist. He can revel in the keyboard for its own pianistic sake, representing to us the instrument's range and power, but he can also go beyond piano playing as we are led by his art to the secret chambers of the creative imagination."

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