Laudario di Cortona No.91 | Brilliant Classics 94872

Laudario di Cortona No.91


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Label: Brilliant Classics

Cat No: 94872

Format: CD

Number of Discs: 4

Genre: Vocal/Choral

Release Date: 16th February 2015





Franco Radicchia




Franco Radicchia


The Laudario di Cortona was discovered in the library of a monastery in Cortona, Italy. The 13th century manuscript contains a wealth of Laude or Lauds, songs written in the popular language for praise and worship. Thematically they follow the liturgical year of Advent, Nativity, Epiphany, Easter and Pentecost. They are the earliest examples of sacred songs in the common language found in Europe.

The ensemble Armoniosoincanto makes use of female voices, and is accompanied by a variety of contemporary instruments like hurdy-gurdy, lute, vielle and a positive organ, thus presenting a lively and colourful rendering of these ancient songs of worship, enhanced by the atmospheric recording in the church of the Monastery delle Suore Clarisse in Arezzo.

The booklet contains extensive liner notes.

Track Listing:
CD 1

1. Venite a laudare
2. Laude novella sïa cantata
3. Ave, donna santissima
4. Madonna santa Maria
5. Ave Maria, gratïa plena
6. Ave, regina glorïosa
7. Dal ciel venne messo novella
8. Altissima luce col grande splendore
9. Fami cantar l’amor di la beata
10. O Maria, d’omelia
11. Regina sovrana de gram pïetade
CD 2
1. Ave, Dei genitrix
2. O Maria, Dei cella
3. Ave, vergene gaudente
4. O divina virgo, flore
5. Salve, salve, virgo pia
6. Vergene donçella da Dio amata
7. Peccatrice, nominate
8. Cristo è nato et humanato
9. Gloria ’n cielo e pace ’n terra
10. Stella nuova ’n fra la gente
11. Plangiamo quel crudel basciare
12. Ben è crudele e spïetoso
CD 3
1. De la crudel morte de Cristo
2. Dami conforto, Dio, et alengrança
3. Onne homo ad alta voce
4. Iesù Cristo glorïoso
5. Laudamo la resurrectïone
6. Spiritu sancto, dolçe amore
7. Spirito sancto glorïoso
8. Spirito sancto, dà servire
9. Alta trinità beata
10. Troppo perde ’l tempo ki ben non t’ama
11. Stomme allegro et latioso
12. Oimè lasso e freddo lo mïo core
CD 4
1. Chi vole lo mondo descprecçare
2. Laudar vollio per amore
3. Sïa laudato San Francesco
4. Ciascun ke fede sente
5. Magdalena degna da laudare
6. L’alto prençe archangelo lucent
7. Faciam laude a tutt’i santi
8. San Iovanni al mondo è nato
9. Ogn’om canti novel canto
10. Amor dolçe sença pare
11. Benedicti et llaudati
12. Salutiam divotamente

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