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Thomas Crecquillon

Recent Crecquillon releases

Salve Susato: Music Composed or Printed by Tielman Susato
Salve Susato: Music Composed or Printed by Tielman Susato



Ruckers me fecit Antverpiae: Music for Antwerp Harpsichords & Virginals, 1560-1660
Ruckers me fecit Antverpiae: Music for Antwerp Harpsichords & Virginals, 1560-1660



Josquin and The Franco-Flemish School
Josquin and The Franco-Flemish School



Con arte e maestria: Virtuoso Violin Ornamentation from the Dawn of the Italian Baroque
Con arte e maestria: Virtuoso Violin Ornamentation from the Dawn of the Italian Baroque


(Resonus Classics)