Turbulent Heart: Music of Vierne & Chausson | Melba MR301123

Turbulent Heart: Music of Vierne & Chausson


Currently out of stock at the UK suppliers. Available to order, but is likely to take longer than usual to despatch

Label: Melba

Cat No: MR301123

Format: CD

Number of Discs: 1

Release Date: 5th October 2009



Steve Davislim (tenor)
Queensland Orchestra


Guillaume Tourniaire


Chausson, Ernest

Poeme de l'amour et de la mer, op.19

Vierne, Louis

Eros, op.37
La ballade du desespere, op.61
Nocturnes (3), op.34
Psyche, op.33


Steve Davislim (tenor)
Queensland Orchestra


Guillaume Tourniaire


A sumptuous recording of French romantic music at its most ecstatic, led by the brilliant young French conductor Guillaume Tourniaire and featuring tenor Steve Davislim and The Queensland Orchestra.

Renowned as organist of the Cathédrale de Notre Dame de Paris, the tragedies of Vierne’s personal life are shot through these extraordinary, unpublished pieces. The four ‘symphonic poems for voice and orchestra’ by Vierne are all world premiere recordings.

Accompanying Vierne’s Poems on this release is Chausson’s masterpiece of 19th century French mélodie, Poème de l’amour et de la mer, recorded here for the first time by a tenor, the voice for which it was originally written.

Steve Davislim is one of Australia’s leading tenors and enjoys a stellar international career in the leading opera houses and concert halls of the world.

Steve Davislim is worth being spoken of in the same breath as his notable predecessors of similar voice - Peter Anders and Fritz Wunderlich - and praise can hardly be higher than that.” - Gramophone Magazine
Gramophone Editor's Choice

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